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Similarweb (NYSE:SMWB) is the official measure of the digital world

We power businesses with the best digital data. Our mission is to create the most accurate, comprehensive, and actionable digital data, so every business can win their market. Digital is now the most important driver of growth and profitability for just about every business. Similarweb is a platform that gives our customers a true 360 degree view of all digital activity across customers, prospects, partners, and competition. The resulting insights give our customers — who are some of the world’s biggest brands — a digital edge that helps them beat their competition and win their markets. Listed on NYSE: #SMWB Trusted by Jimmy Kimmel:


Early career talent

Percentage of all staff*
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Headcount growth

Last 12 months*
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Entry level hires

Last 12 months*
New Hires

Funding / Market cap.

Latest funding round

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*LinkedIn data updated


Team insights

Life at Hatch

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  • Awarded gold in the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) 2024 LGBTQ+ Inclusion Awards.

Our Story

The Hatch story started when good friends Adam Jacobs (Ex THE ICONIC Founder) and Chaz Heitner (Ex Zip Co-founder) came together to build something they were deeply passionate about.

Both founders believe that traditional hiring processes are broken and limit people from finding work that’s a good fit for them. Since founding the company, Adam and Chaz have built a team that shares their mission and are both confident they will continue to build an impactful global company for many years to come.

Great for Graduates and Interns

Similarweb has 2025 graduate programs and internships. Here’s your snapshot of programs, when to apply, perks and more.

Interns and graduates

When to apply

Job families

Programmes available

What you need to know

Career progression

Where could this company take you? Discover how other early career professionals are shaping their career here.

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Perks and Benefits

Great for Graduates and Interns

This Hotlist employer has great opportunities for graduates and interns. Here’s your snapshot of programs, when to apply, perks and more.

Job Families

Interns and graduates

Currently at the company

When to apply

Programs available

Icon for interns
Internships (Summer only)
Icon for interns
Internships (Summer / Winter)
Icon for interns
Internships (Year Round)
Icon for graduate fixed term programs
Grad Program (Fixed)
Icon for graduate rotation programs
Grad Program (Rotation)

What you need to know

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AI insights

Employee feedback

AI summarised feedback about Similarweb, based on Glassdoor company reviews.

Glassdoor rating

Last 12 months


Company review summaries are generated by artificial intelligence based on third-party sources and do not reflect opinions or beliefs held by Hatch. Hatch is not responsible for the accuracy of content of these summaries. For full reviews, please refer to the original sources.

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