To provide homeowners in Australia better insurance.
Honey is working towards a future where all homes and households are protected from avoidable accidents. We use smart technology to protect the things that matter most to you and are re-imagining how home insurance can make your home safer, every day.
Early career talent
Headcount growth
Entry level hires
Funding / Market cap.
Latest funding round
*LinkedIn data updated
Team insights
Life at Hatch
Honey Insurance is a quick-thinking team with big ambitions to change the insurance industry.
Awarded gold in the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) 2024 LGBTQ+ Inclusion Awards.
Honey Insurance has been recognised as #20 among the Top 20 Start-ups on LinkedIn, which is a testament to the incredible team’s relentless pursuit of excellence and the exceptional talents and efforts of every team member.
Our Story
The Hatch story started when good friends Adam Jacobs (Ex THE ICONIC Founder) and Chaz Heitner (Ex Zip Co-founder) came together to build something they were deeply passionate about.
Both founders believe that traditional hiring processes are broken and limit people from finding work that’s a good fit for them. Since founding the company, Adam and Chaz have built a team that shares their mission and are both confident they will continue to build an impactful global company for many years to come.
Great for Graduates and Interns
Interns and graduates
When to apply
Job families
Programmes available
What you need to know
Career progression
Where could this company take you? Discover how other early career professionals are shaping their career here.
Great for Graduates and Interns
This Hotlist employer has great opportunities for graduates and interns. Here’s your snapshot of programs, when to apply, perks and more.
Job Families
Interns and graduates
Currently at the company
When to apply
Programs available
What you need to know
Honey Insurance is a quick-thinking team with big ambitions to change the insurance industry.
Honey Insurance has been recognised as #20 among the Top 20 Start-ups on LinkedIn, which is a testament to the incredible team’s relentless pursuit of excellence and the exceptional talents and efforts of every team member.
Hatch's hot take
Behind the scenes
Want to join the team? This is what you're in for…
D&I Commitments
At Honey, the team celebrates their differences and what makes each of them unique. Annual events include a Harmony Day luncheon where each employee brings a dish from their culture and enjoy a meal together, as well as World Pride celebrations where they dress in their most colourful outfits and battle it out for the title of trivia champ.
Culture + Vibe
Are you a keen sports person wanting to flex your badminton skills? Do you enjoy the great outdoors and camping? Are you a competitive board-gamer? If so, Honey has plenty of clubs to get involved in and if those don't tickle your fancy, create your own. The more the merrier!